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Siamo partner di eccellenza dei più importanti player mondiali e abbiamo integrato la nostra offerta con la fornitura di pezzi tagliati a disegno seguendo le specifiche dei nostri clienti aeronautici. TIG ha uno stock dedicato ai programmi OEM, in particolare annovera materiali secondo AMS, ABS, ASNA. Disponiamo e forniamo lamiere per aero strutture, fogli in titanio per fusoliere ed in nickel per parti motore, blocchi forgiati per i carrelli e componenti dedicati, barre trafilate in titanio per la produzione di elementi di fissaggio, barre tonde e rettangolari in leghe Ti, Ni e acciai inossidabili per componenti aerospaziali o parti del motore.
Ti6AL4V Sheets from thickness 0,4 mm to 6,0 mm AMS4911, ASTMB265, WL3.7164, LN9297,ASNA3200, ABS5326, AIMS 03-18-003, AIMS 03-18-004
Ti6AL4V Plates from thickness 5,0 mm to 101,6 mm AMS4911, ASTMB265, WL3.7164, LN9297, ABS5125, AIMS 03-18-001, ASNA3304, AMS2631, AMS2154
Ti6AL4V Round bars from diameter 3 mm to 350 mm AMS4928, AMS6931, AMS2380 GR1 (double MELTED VAR), AMS2380 GR2 (triple MELTED VAR), ASTMF136, ISO5832-3, ASTMB348, ABS5453A
Ti6AL4V Round bars from diameter 7 mm to 350 mm ASNA 3307, AMS2631, AMS2154, AMS4928, AMS6931
Ti6AL4V Rectangular bars with customized sizes AMS4928, AMS6931, AMS2380 GR1(double MELTED VAR), AMS2380 GR2(triple MELTED VAR), ASTMB348
Ti6AL4V Billets from diameter 101,6 mm to 300mm AMS2631, AMS2154, AMS4928, AMS6931
Ti6AL4V Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS2631, AMS2154, AMS4928, AMS6931, ASTM B348
Ti6AL4V Sheets and Plates from thickness 5,0 mm to 101,6 mm AMS4911, ASTMB265, WL3.7164, LN9297, ABS5326, ABS5125 ASNA3200; ASNA3304; AIMS 03-18-004
TI6242 Round Bars from diameter 40mm to 254mm AMS2631, AMS4975
TI6242 Sheets from thickness 1,0mm to 50mm AMS2154, AMS4919, ABS5840
Ti662 Variable dimensions AMS2631, AMS4971, AMS4978
Ti CP4 Gr.1 (T35) Sheets from thickness 0,4 mm to 1,2 mm LN9297, WL 3.7024, AMS4940
Ti CP3 Gr.2 (T40) Sheets from thickness 0,4 mm to 1,2 mm WL 3.7034, AMS4902, ASNA3201, ABS5142, AIMS03-18-002
Ti CP2 Gr.3 (T50) Sheets from thickness 0,4 mm to 2,0 mm AMS4900
Ti CP1 Gr.4 (T60) Sheets from thickness 0,4 mm to 1,2 mm AMS4901, ABS5124, WL 3.7064, ASNA3303
Nickel 718 Variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS5662, AMS5663
Nickel 718 Variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS5696, BF50TF14E
Nickel 718 Variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS5696, BF50TF14E
Nickel 625 Variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS5666
Nickel 625 Variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS5599
Nickel 625 Variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS5599
Alloy 188 Variable dimensions AMS5608
Alloy 188 Variable dimensions AMS5608
Hastelloy X Variable dimensions AMS5536
Hastelloy X Variable dimensions AMS5536
17-4 Sheets from thickness 0,4 mm to 5,0 mm 1.4542, LN9297, AMS2154, 
17-4 Plates from thickness 5,0 mm to 101,6 mm AMS5604, 1.4542, LN9297, AMS2154
17-4 Round Bars from diameter 7 mm to 350 mm AMS5643, AMS5622 Ty. I (VAR), AMS5622 Ty. 2 (ESR), 1.4542, AMS2154
17-4 Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS5643, AMS5622 Ty. I (VAR), AMS5622 Ty. 2 (ESR), 1.4542, AMS2154
15-5 Round Bars, variable dimensions AMS5659, 1.4542, AMS2154
15-5 Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS5659, 1.4542, AMS2154
13-8 Round Bars, variable dimensions AMS5629, ASTM A564 1.4542, AMS2154
13-8 Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS5629, ASTM A564 1.4542, AMS2154
13-8 Plates, variable dimensions AMS5864, ASTM A693 1.4542, AMS2154
93-10 Bars, variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS6265, 
93-10 Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS6265, 
43-40 Bars, variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS6415
43-40 Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS6415
43-40 Bars, variable dimensions AMS2154, AMS6414
43-40 Forged Bars, variable dimensions AMS6414